Fork In Review

Jan Hume

Book Review: “Fair Food” edited by Nick Rose

This book is a compilation of chapters written by people involved in local food production in one way or another. Nick Rose asked them to write a chapter about how their interest in the food production business, and how that came about. The main question is why did they write it? Because the food system […]

Book Review: “Farmageddon” by Philip Lymbery

As the title suggests, this book is an investigation and an indictment of industrial farming. Lymbery starts by explaining what Rachel Carson wrote about in Silent Spring in 1962. The deterioration of the environment, the mistreatment of animals, and the proliferation of chemicals have not stopped since then. Remember mad cow disease and the horsemeat […]

Christmas Pudding Re-Worked

  Traditional Christmas pudding in our summer heat is a big ask, even if you buy it with a carton of ready-made custard. Over the years I have tweaked recipes and have just reinvented Christmas pudding. It is not labour-intensive, and if you play your cards right there will be some left in the freezer […]