Fork In Review

Jan Hume

Category: Cooking and Recipes

Evening Classes in Food

This is a tongue-in-cheek piece on food education. Food and General Knowledge: A gastronomer will answer your questions to issues which may confuse you – here are some examples: A diner was offered “chips with that” when served dinner no matter what the meal consisted of. Is cooking really necessary? Deep-fried Mars bars – are […]

Recipe for Home Cooking

I recently read an article: “The Truth About Home Cooking” by Mark Bittman (Time 20/10/14), and “Does Cooking Matter?” by Rebecca Huntley (Penguin Specials). I also know people who don’t cook a lot at home, and think it’s cheaper to eat out. Here’s a recipe for a home-cooked meal taking into account these two essays: […]

Food in Naples and Sicily

The pizza put in front of me was enormous. How do they expect…….. Anyway, I wolfed it down with a glass of vino blanco della casa. I soon realized that enormous and thin was the size of all the pizzas served in this famous Brandi pizzeria near Via Chiaia, Naples. I wanted to try some […]